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Saturday, May 8, 2010


To describe the procedure to filter the alcohol aseptically for use in the sterile areas.
2. Scope:
This procedure is applied when filtration of alcohol is required for use in sterile areas.
3. Responsibilities:

1. Microbiologist
2. Lab Assistant

4. Materials Required
1) Isopropyl Alcohol analytical grade.
2) Vacuum pump.
3) .. Filtration unit Millipore comprising:

• Filtration flask one or two liter.
• Filter holder.
• Funnel.
• Clamp
• Silicone pipe.

4) Disinfectant (spray bottle)
5) Sterile container to store the filtered alcohol.
6) Sterile smooth tip forceps.
7) Membrane filters, compatible, pore size of 0.45 u.
8) LFC or clean room with HEPA filter and positive pressure.
9) Autoclave.
10) Butter/craft paper.
11) Masking tap.
12) SS box.
13) Sterile gloves.

5. Procedure:

1) Set the filtration unit assembly carefully under LFC or in clean room wearing gloves.
2) LFC should be ‘on’ 30 minutes prior to filtration.
3) Aseptically transfer the sterile filter by forceps into the unit and clamp.
4) Now after setting all the parts pour alcohol into the funnel and turn ‘on’ the vacuum pump.
5) Repeat this process until filtration flask is full or as required.
6) Transfer the filtered alcohol into the sterile 2.5 liter (or any appropriate) bottle.
7) If filtration is done outside of the sterile area, transfer the bottle aseptically mopping out surfaces. Fumigation with Formaldehyde is recommended after placing the materials inside the sterile areas.


1) Transfer and store the filtered alcohol in such a way to protect from contamination.
2) Never take the alcohol near to the burner in fact burner should be ‘off’.
3) A trained person should handle the process.

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